Atulya Onion & Bhringraj Shampoo

 Onion has been considered as an ancient traditional secret for healthy and long lustrous hair. Infused with  the goodness of rich plant-based herbs, vitamins and nutrients #Atulya #Onion & #Bhringraj #Shampoo is 100% pure and #SLS/SLES (sulphates & Paraben) free. Power-packed with the goodness of sulphur it helps in stimulating #hairgrowth by combating #hairfall and promoting the growth of #newhair. Atulya Onion & Bhringraj Shampoo not only adds strength to your #damagedhair but it also helps in repairing damaged hair shafts and makes hair shinier from the tangential side. Bhringraj acts as ‘food for hair’ which in returns helps n balancing the oil production to scalp and helps in scalp nourishment by making it lustrous and stronger. It works as a natural oil for your silky tresses.


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